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Uniform Care
Proudly South African
We are a trade only supplier and only supply Schoolshops on school premises or Retailers.

Our Brand - "Since 1933"

The Envoy label is your guarantee of the finest quality, style and durable Schoolwear available in South Africa.

The Envoy brand has been the most respected Schoolwear brand in South Africa for over 77 years. Today the grandchildren of the first Envoy generation are themselves at school and still wearing Envoy Schoolwear.

We know what fabrics perform best, what “cut” children prefer and the features necessary for easy wash and care.

Our Logo reflects the Strength and Durability of our Schoolwear with the Dog unable to tear the trouser when he tries to pull it away from the boy.

In fact all our fabric and garments go through rigorous testing to ensure they meet our strict quality standards. The Envoy brand remains truly committed to providing unbeatable quality at a great price.

Since 1933 countless Envoy Schoolwear Products have been worn by students in South Africa and internationally and we can confidently say "Our quality really lasts, so you can let the dogs out!"